Timeline of activities

Action and planning meeting 

20th April 2023

We pulled together all the meetings and work we had done so far to see where Usk Together for the Climate wanted to go next. 

The emerging popular themes were:

 1. Land Group - this is looking at a community garden, cold store and fruit harvesting.

Actions: Organise group site visits, including to the potential Usk community growing sites.

2. Biodiversity Group - Gwent Wildlife Trust offered training on recording species, nature spotting. A great opportunity to get children involved.

Action: Set up a training day for Nature Spotters with Wildlife Trust and Usk Primary.

3. Transport Group - buses, car share, lift share and e-bikes.

Action: Join the group bus trip "Greener Journeys" on 11th May to Chepstow.

4. Engagement and Communications - reaching Usk and surrounding areas starting with the coronation street party. It would great to get a more prominent presence in Usk. 

Action: Set up a volunteer rota for people to get involved in coronation party stand.

Full meeting minutes are here. https://drive.google.com/file/d/13Kq5biJSgHwzpV65ryYpbLRmNsm9OJY0/view?usp=share_link

5th Meeting - Biodiversity

16th March 2023

We had a packed meeting with wildlife gardener Marc Carlton giving us an illustrated talk on pollinators. 

Here are some of the resources and info he shared:

Planting lists for pollinators https://www.biodiversitywales.org.uk/About-the-scheme

Citizen Science Monitoring https://butterfly-conservation.org/butterflies/recording-and-monitoring

iRecord: https://irecord.org.uk/

Pollinators list from National Botanic Gardens


We also had updates on lots of climate-related projects: details of recent talks and offers of support from Gwent Wildlife Trust (Julie Carr and Natalie Waller); Community Garden (Cam); Save the River Usk (Angela); Active Travel, The Cycle Path (Matt); and ‘Greener Journeys’ (Meirion). 

Project Team Swift turned out in force to tell us about Swift box making workshops, and upcoming Swift Talks and Walks (Mark, Imelda, Mick and Janine); and Cam finished with an update on the Survey project.

Mike and Janine introduced an Ideas Exchange, a game called ‘Just One Thing for the Climate’, which maybe gave each of us a little nudge in a greener direction.

Usk is now – literally – on the global map as a newly-registered Transition Town (but keeping its friendly name of Usk Together for the Climate) https://transitionnetwork.org/transition-near-me/

Usk Winter Feast

22nd January 2023

We held a community meal to celebrate local food and the Usk Farmers Market. Planned, cooked and served by local residents using as many locally sourced ingredients as possible.

We had a quiz, heard from local producers and learnt some town history as we connected over food.

We also voted on food related ideas for Usk.

Skills people wanted to learn or improve:

Small prepared veg boxes for elderly

Pickling sessions

Fermenting – jam making

Sourdough/ breadmaking – other (seasonal) cookery

No-dig growing

Foraging – especially seaweeds – and mushrooms


Composting – getting started – next steps

Calendar/planning – what to do and when

Companion planting

Water butts

Making herbal teas/natural home uses for herbs, i.e. lavender to aid sleep

Overwintering veg garden

Succession planting of veg

Local food banks – how to donate spare food

Veg growing

Google document with ideas here

4th Meeting - Strengthening Our Local Food System

2nd November 2022

November’s meeting, held at Sessions House, focused on Sustainable Food Systems. Marianne Fisher, Monmouthshire County Council’s Sustainable Food Projects Manager gave a lively presentation about the variety of community food projects that are already on the go county-wide. One major project that it’s worth keeping an eye on is Our Food 1200. Our Food 1200 has the aim of securing 1200 acres for regenerative horticulture in Monmouthshire and the Brecon Beacons. This is in order to produce enough fruit and veg for every household in the region. The project is looking for support from landowners, land seekers, growers and residents.


Usk residents came up with plenty of ideas of their own. 

We also heard about:

3rd Meeting - Water Wisdom

15th September 2022

We came together in the Royal Legion to hear from two Speakers. Both explained how critical it is for us all to think about how we use water and understand its fundamental value.

First up was Lynne Allbutt, Writer, TV Presenter and Champion for Nature, who reminded us of the water pressures on wildlife and the environment caused by this summer’s drought. Although our hills and valleys are green once again, in this age of weather extremes we can expect more long periods of hot, dry weather in future years. Managing water wisely in our homes and gardens is something we can all do.

Lynne inspired us to return to our parents’ and grand-parents’ more economical ways of using water – with plenty of practical suggestions.

Euan Hampton was our second Speaker, who leads Dwr Cymru’s Cartref programme, which supports customers with common internal leaks. He spoke about the Get Water Fit online tool, which helps you work out how to save water, energy and money. We heard that leaking toilets can waste around 215 litres of water a day.

For fixing leaking toilets free of charge, look up the Leaky Loo scheme. 


Ideas for saving water as a community:

- Communicate and educate as many people as we can about the importance of water in a Climate and Ecological Emergency - in schools and businesses

- Promote the installation of water butts for all homes (with instructions for use and fit) + collecting buckets for rainwater. Bulk buy water butts for the community.

- Don’t wash our cars in summer; take mini-showers; make ‘patio ponds’ for wildlife

- Turn the tap off when cleaning teeth; wash less frequently; make an eco-latrine in the garden; might Usk public toilets use rainwater?

Jubilee Picnic Nature Stall

3rd June 2022

As part of the Jubilee celebrations we had a 'Together for Nature' stall in the park celebrating the Usk river, swifts and trees. 

2nd Meeting - Share, learn, listen and plan.

6th July 2022

We gathered in Sessions House to hear speakers from across the community. 

Matt Hamar spoke on Transport - His group Usk Trail Access Group has a vision to create a cycle path route from Usk to Little Mill on the old railway line. Presentation Slides here.

Steve Shearman spoke on Food - promoting Usk Farmers’ Market.

Mark Mogford spoke on Biodiversity Swifts of Usk and the need for Swift boxes on homes and buildings. 

We also heard from Natalie Waller from Gwent Wildlife Trust, who offered support to groups.

Angela Jones and Mike Cowburn updated us on Save the River Usk campaign from. Please sign the petition https://petitions.senedd.wales/petitions/245192

Tourism rooted in sustainability (swifts, river, food, transport) could combine to attract tourists to Usk, if we adopt a cohesive approach. 


We voted for Ideas for Future Meetings. 

The topics with the most votes are summarised below:

Our first public gathering - May 2022

Over 6o people gathered in the Royal Legion to talk about the climate and nature emergencies. We wanted to understand what Usk as a community is doing and how it can respond together.

We shared a short film featuring local people: https://vimeo.com/697699837

We created a Green Directory for Usk to show what is already happening: Green Directory

The emerging discussions and energy at the meeting was about the following:

Summary of Usk’s plans going forwards:


Check out the website; post images of pollution; report pollution to NRW; join Citizen’s Science water testing; and join in the March 11th June 2022.